Fulton Pediatric Dental provides specialized dentistry for infants, children, teens, and individuals with special health care needs. We are dedicated to providing exceptional patient care through a voluntary commitment to lifelong learning. Dr. Gal Hershko, our board-certified pediatric dentist, and her team provide compassionate, quality dentistry in a patient-centered approach to encourage happy, healthy smiles for a lifetime.
Our Services
Fulton Pediatric Dental is proud to offer expert dental care services for kids of all ages. Our friendly, experienced staff, coupled with our state-of-the-art technology, are what make our services some of the best in the area. FPD is committed to providing a positive and compassionate dental home, inclusive of all aspects of oral health care, in a comprehensive, continuously accessible and family-centered way.

Dental Care

Preventive Care

Emergency Care

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Restorative Care

Special Health Care Needs

Silver Diamine Fluoride / Curodont

Minimally Invasive Dentistry

Tongue & Lip Ties (Laser Frenectomies)

11810 W. Market Pl. Ste 202
Fulton, MD. 20759
2nd floor of Westside Medical Pavilion